Complexity & Nuance in Action
…holding multiple truths is hard. Because it requires nuance - and unpacking and processing uncomfortable feelings, maybe rage and for some, trauma.
The National Holocaust Museum was opened today - down the road from where I call home in Amsterdam East. (See the links in the comments for some background info). The protests organised were not against the museum at all - in fact they were organised by many Jewish groups. The President of 🇮🇱 was inaugurating the Museum, at the invitation of the King of the 🇳🇱 and that was the main reason for the outrage. Standing there today, amongst people of all religions and races, ages and nationalities - the tears kept rolling.
Today was an example of complexity and nuance in action, and profound sadness that this is the status quo we find ourselves in, and also hope that voices aren’t being silenced. 👇🏽 💭 As I head into another week of facilitation and training, I’m curious how you deal with complexity in your work and life. Do you prefer to live in an echo chamber (sometimes I do)? Or do you avoid polarising dialogue? Or does your work or identity make you seek it out?
Ramadan Mubarak 🌙 to all those celebrating in my community, and here’s hoping for some grace as we enter another week. I consider it a privilege to be able to write openly like this, and encourage dialogue - I’m painfully aware that it’s not safe for many to do so. 🌍